it is JUNE. and i love JUNE. but lets be honest for a second lovers.. JUNE is the best month. why you might ask? actually no you probably aren't even asking you are all probably just agreeing (yes all 500,685 of you daily readers of my blog). It doesn't need any defending its just kind of a well known fact that people like JUNE. am i right? before you respond.. let me give you a few of my personal reasons for adulating this gorgeous month.
a. june=summer. may is kinda borderline but once you hit june u know its all about the swim suits and the barbcues and the sunglasses and the summer flings and the late night star gazing and the sonic runs and sunburns and short shorts and dance parties and windows down and porsche drives and (every thirteen yrs) the cicadas (which by the way don't even ruin my month at all.. i kinda love the sweet chirping of the million cicadas.. i feel like it compares in smoothness to the constant crash of cali waves..reaching i know but come on its only every thirteen years we gotta find a way to love it) and well when its summer life is good.. people are happy so june=summer=happy.
b. june=great birthday month. okay maybe im a little bit partial. i do share a birthday on the ides of this great month. but seriously lets talk about this.. ever heard of Heidi Klum, Ice Cube, Anne Frank, Sasha Obama, Michael J Fox, Kayne West, Prince, Marilyn Monroe....yep all june birthdays. thasswassup yall.
c. june=flag day. yes maybe a forgotten holiday, but a holiday none the less. and a great one to surprise the family with....nothing better than an unexpected holiday being celebrated. GO FLAG DAY.
d. june=vacations. for you.. not for me this year.. but for you probably it means vacations. and i begrudge you all for it (ah to be a student again).
e. june=half way thru the year. what a great time to assess whats gone on the past 6 months and to anticipate whats next in the year.
well there you have it summer lovers. case closed..its a great month. may it linger.