months ago i racked my brain for a fresh, new, different and slightly challenging new years resolution. my notional response to this seeking landed me on the brilliant idea to write each day something that i was grateful for. yearning to actually check a mark on this new years resolution at the closing of 2011 (and knowing my irregular sleep pattern when a party or boy or phone call pops up) i settled to commit to 300 days of "i am grateful fors" out of the 365 in the year.
i am getting close to day 150 now. can i tell you that it is truly incredible how many wonders there are to be grateful for when you become cognitively aware of them. half way into my goal and i have not yet had a repeat. i have not even had a night where my mind is hesitant to find anything to fill that empty page. sure there have been bad days..days where i want to be mad or sad or just plain give up...but when i take a moment to just think or remember or open my mind up a little bit more with pen in hand, i have found that even in the worst of moods we can find reason to feel blessed.
so there you have it. i can't believe its
may already. but i am grateful to say that it has been an incredible year. partly because of the circumstances that have occurred in my life lately, but also because i have been able to be more aware this year of what I have been blessed with. so lovers and friends.. tonight i am grateful for power of writing. and its way of bringing us to a remembrance.
peace to my neice in greece. love you all.
(an actually entry in my journal "i am grateful for naps...." and these boys do it well!)
(also grateful for this girl.. who couldn't love her??)
(grateful clay has a cute chin-not a real journal entry)
(grateful for these girls too.. they got me thru 13.1 miles..must be true friends:)